The grandmaw cat
Rest in peace our darling darling Buddima, the cat we were so honoured to welcome into the Cattitude family over a year ago...from somehow surviving years at the Delhi Railway station, to being an honoured catizen in our senior cat home, Buddima spent her last months knowing she was loved and cared for. Although we are devastated she left us so soon, we saw her slow decline, and though she often rallied round, her time came this month, to cross the bridge and run free again.

The survivor
He never let you touch him but showed you in so many other ways that he liked you. The rustle of a food packet or a bag of treats would set him off miaowing away for his share.
We are grateful he is at peace. Rest well, our darling, gentle, so sweet boy ..... until we all meet again beyond

The great
Our former Community Cat in Chief was a very Important Purrson. He converted dog lovers into cat fans and patiently tutored all his humans on how to care for community cats. The rats in Casablanca are partying. The absence of one skinny but spirited old cat has suddenly made the world so empty.

The Queen
She was our baby, our inspiration to try and do more, do better, to give each kitty the best we can, despite limitations... she rests in peace